10 - Horror Manga

1. "Tomio: Red Turtleneck" from The Shard of Evil

Tomio: Red Turtleneck

Subsequent to undermining his better half, Tomio is reviled by a detestable witch and is compelled to hold his head set up with a once-white turtleneck, a great deal of chest area quality, and a ton of self discipline.

Try not to peruse it if... somebody has ever revealed to you that "you'd lose your head on the off chance that it wasn't joined" or in the event that you can't draw off a strikingly hued turtleneck in the fall.

2. "Glyceride" from Voices in the Dark


Pubescence pummels any child, however when you live over your family's grill shop–and everything in your life is covered in a sheet of thick, yellow oil it's significantly harder. For the young lady in this story, there's simply no getting away from her oily, sleek presence.

3. “The Enigma of Amigara Fault” from Gyo: 

Volume 2

The Enigma of Amigara Fault

After a major seismic tremor shears a mountain into equal parts, a progression of odd human-molded openings are found inside the flaw. The natives of a close by town start to explore the openings, and begin to find that every one of them has a gap that fits them superbly... so consummately that the attract of climbing ends up powerful. 

Try not to peruse it if... you've at any point begun to feel so fixated on something that you started to stress that you were losing control of yourself a tad. Goodness, and on the off chance that you've at any point extended so hard that you pulled something.

4. Uzumaki


A community ends up fixated on spirals and two perceptive young people need to figure out how to break the revile that is gradually driving their loved ones distraught without giving the spirals a chance to taint them also.

5. "Dissection Girl" from The Shard of Evil

Dissection Girl

Since he was a child, some time before he went to medicinal school to turn into a specialist, Tatsuro has endured his companion Ruriko's fixation on being analyzed. He goes through his entire time on earth defeating her advances, until he turns into an educator of prescription late in his life.

6. "Army of One” a bonus issue in Hellstar Remina

Army of One

A person or thing is murdering individuals and hanging them up in nightmarish open presentations of mutilation. In any case, as the body check becomes ever more elevated, it turns out to be evident this isn't crafted by a couple of executioners, yet an immense and lethal intrigue that may be difficult to escape.

7. Tomie


A lovely young lady is killed mercilessly, however bafflingly returns at school the next day. In the wake of enticing her educators and classmates, they turn on her and slaughter her again, however it just never appears to stick. They before long find that there might be more to the lovely youthful Tomie than meets the eye.

8. The Town Without Streets

The Town Without Streets

A puzzling shanty town springs up medium-term among the thick lanes of an enormous metropolitan zone. The townsfolk endeavor to disassemble the new structures, yet they're simply reconstructed significantly greater the following day. Rather, the townspeople adjust, and structure new strolling roadways through previous homes and organizations, dispensing with any feeling of security they may have once appreciated. Adding to this feeling of being viewed are puzzling peepholes springing up wherever among the curving hallways of the new city inside a city.

9. "Fixed Face"

Fixed Face

A young lady goes to the orthodontist for a standard registration, and he's eager to utilize a modern new jaw examination machine on her that requires she be secured to keep her from moving at all during the test. At the point when the specialist steps out for a minute and has a mishap, she ends up caught in the machine, simply out of earshot of different specialists and medical caretakers who may have the option to support her.

10. "Mold" from The Junji Ito Horror Comic Collection: Vol. 7


A man returns home from a year abroad to find that his subtenants have deserted his home and left a mildew covered, spoiled chaos afterward. As he tidies up his home and chases down his previous inhabitants, he finds that his shape issue has spread into the most distant corners of his home. 

Try not to peruse it if... you get yucked out when you have to wipe out your ice chest and you discover a months-old Tupperware in the back with something so old and spoiled that you can't determine what it is any longer.